You will have heard her name many times and seen her work ..
If not then feat your eyes upon the work of
Jillian Edelstein !

He was a face I kept seeing popping up all over the place and after seeing him in Hot Fuzz I took some time to research him a little and found out he has been in or written a lot of my most loved shows and films !
If you have not seen Hot Fuzz I really think you should take some time to watch it .. its very funny !

Jillian has teamed up with Sony Ericsson to bring you
“Eyes Wide Open”
To celebrate the launch of the new Sony Ericsson Satio handset on Vodafone, photographer to the stars Jillian Edelstein has been commissioned to embark on a unique mission to capture the undeniable beauty and individuality of 121 eyes in only 12.1 hours.
You will be invited to a Satio Studio photoshoot !
You (we) have till the 20th of November !!
I love finding out about new photographers and always try to note down the name of any I like the work of or just want to find out more ! Here is a few sneaky peaks into my notebooks – some with lists of photogrpahers and some with my scrapbook collections!
Let me know if you decide to sign up for the competition … I am trying to pick a photo of myself to send in ! You know im not so crazy about being photographed but this is one opportunity I really dont want to miss out on!
I always have one of my many notebooks close to hand when I am checking up on your blogs, this way I can note down any interesting films, ideas or music so I dont forget!
In the evening I love nothing more than sitting by the fire (as its coming to winter time now) with my scrap book and a pile of old magazines !
Thank you for all your comments over the past few weeks, they all mean so much and I am glad there are many of you who are revisiting my blog. I hope I can provide you with some interesting posts over the next few weeks !
If there is anything you would like to know or would like to see more of then let me know !
I try my best to keep up to date with everyones blogs…This has been easy as I have been an unemployed graduate for some time now…but a Christmas temp job starting next week will be taking up more of my time !
I must go and revise my Italian now !
oooh guess what ! My camera is on its way back to me ! So happy about this !