Keep me warm in winter wont you ?

4:30 Its cold, its a little damp and a little crispy.
I walk quickly out of the shop and pop into Nero to grab a warm black coffee!
Hood up and off I head to Waterstones .. Scanning the shop for anything that jumps out at me, a sneaky peak around he corner near the stairs, ahhh yes – the Penguin mugs.. they are still there.
I fumble for my keys in my bag just to check chey are there.. I check my phone and purse are in place and skip off to find my car/or grab the bus to finally get home.
Drop my bag in the hall way, kick of the shoes and run upstairs to change into my lovely pjs!
Back downstairs sitting in front of the fire I sip my cup of english breakfast tea and flick through a copy of a fantastic magazine. Of course it is Dazed and confused.
5 mins later and my dads telling my to move my bag and shoes from the hallway.
I dont really want to move.. I am nice and warm … oh well I better move them and then Ill check up on blogs!

A second idea for keeping warm and happy in winter : A big cup of tea and a magazine !
