Photo from the_brownhorse on Flickr !
For a long time now I have had big crush on american diners, ice cream parlours, drive in movies and motels. As a big fan of the 50s/60s and road trips I think this is most natural to have a bit of a love affair with such delightful things. So…the american diner – I think what really sucks me in is that you could, and of course still can, go in at any time of the day or night and order food or maybe even just a cup of ( bottomless ) coffee ! Yes, so simple is what I wish for right now – to observe the lonely person in the corner who keeps having their small cup of coffee filled over and over while their thoughts are on over drive.
So many kinds of people have been in and out of these places – lonely souls , truckers and greedy kids. I guess that our equivalent would have been Happy Eater ( I always remember driving past this on trips down to the South of England – however they are no longer about ) and yes, Little Cheff ( I am not nor have never really been a fan ). I feel there is more to come on this ..