Jaume Plensa is a Spanish artist whose work is ready for you to explore at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I went to the YSP on Monday, I had no idea Jaume Plensa’s work was on display and I am very glad I stumbled across it. I keep thinking back to it when I get a moment to myself, I found I have taken a lot away from it, it has made my mind go into overdrive. I think that each person will take something different away from it, it is those subtle words that you may read across his work which will touch something in one person and have another meaning with someone else.
I can honestly tell you that his work is breathtaking, thought provoking and engaging. I felt that Plensa was saying that there is a lot more to each human that meets the naked eye. We can suffer from ‘stress’ ‘insomnia’ and even ‘panic’ but these things are all on the inside, others can’t see this. However, despite people not being able to see what we may think our problems are, we personally can’t hide away from them, we feel that these things are what defines us, we believe they are wrote all over us and visible to the world.

The image below shows ‘In The Midst of Dreams’ The size of these heads towering above the small white pebbles in this large room was a very interesting sight, the room itself had the echoing of the gongs from the next room which gave it an eerie feeling. You can’t tell from the photo but there were words all over each head which followed the theme from before of many states of being.
There was a room with gongs and mallets inside, all in a circle and 8 people at a time could go in and read the thought provoking phrases on each gong and strike it with the mallet. The sound of each gong went straight through me, I could feel it in my stomach and it made what I was thinking seem a little more real. I know that may not make sense but you must vist the YSP and take a look at Plensa’s work for yourself.