My day – 30/31st October 2011

Here are some photos of the past two days, I am sorry they are all via instagram  but I have just got home and am ready to dive into bed.  I wore my new pink dress from Topshop, fox scarf from Next and used my Vivienne Westwood handbag. I also had my Next handbag and a variety of other clothes but these didn’t make it onto any of my iPhone photos, they may be on my camera though so I shall check tomorrow. I am reading another Paul Theroux book which I started on the train yesterday, I am really enjoying it as I always do with his books. My auntie P got this book for me a few years ago but with moving back and forth from uni it stayed in my selection of unread books. I always have lots of books to read but I am glad I left this one for a while because I can enjoy it now as it’s really fitting with my craving for travel.

I met some new people today which was very enjoyable, I think it’s always good to talk to as many people as you can and share experiences with each other. I find it really gives me motivation and inspiration to try new things in life. I enjoyed seeing my friend D who I haven’t seen since I left Manchester (we were in London for the same thing… which I can’t give details of yet….sorry), it was nice to be able to meet up, drink lots of coffee, explore a new city and meet new people together. I will look forward to seeing more of my Manchester friends when I am there in December, it really has been too long.
