I was looking at some silly photos I made via Googly eyes on Xbox Kinect and it gave me some inspiration for a new project. I will most likely post these on my Flickr page and my other blog, but I thought I would introduce the project here first and see what you think.
I am going to be doing a googly eyes series of photographs, they may change and develop as time goes on but for now I have started with this first set of some local characters I found knocking around my garden and house. I have a habit of always giving everything a personality, it could be an item of furniture, an apple or an animal, it really doesn’t matter to me. I will put on a silly voice and characterise it. I am one of those people who always feels sad for the plain biscuit on the plate because maybe it will be left alone (I kid… kind of). Here is the start of my googly eyes projet..