Home for the weekend..

I took this photo last weekend of a cat who was knocking about in a garden centre.
I am home for the weekend (I work away during the week) and I couldn’t be happier. I am hoping the weather will be good tomorrow and I can go walking by the beach. Tonight I am going to be reading and then catching up on blogs. I want to try to sleep a little earlier so I can maybe wake up earlier, I realise that suffering from insomnia doesn’t make this easy but I was inspired by this article.
Though I want to sleep early and read I am sure I will end up on my laptop for most of the night. I just can’t help it, I am such a geek and always find blog work I should be doing or articles I should be reading. Speaking of being a geek, I am really tempted by the new iPad. I am sure I can think of many reasons I need one but should I really be spending money on an iPad right now. I am not sure I should.
I hope you all have something nice planned for the weekend!