One of the things I miss about Manchester is the shopping. Norwich just doesn’t cut it. I do my usual waddle around the shops here and nothing jumps out at me. I’m sick of Topshop, Zara is a bit hit and miss and H&M has almost fallen off my radar. I think it’s me, not Norwich. I have become tired of high-street shops and found myself in a bit of a sartorial rut. Mixed with the season changeover it’s just not going well. I don’t have a lot of extra cash to be spending on clothes but I’ve decided that I need start saving my money and focusing on buying key pieces that will last.

Back in Manchester I had access to Flannels and in sale season this was a very special thing. Not only was it a delight to browse but I usually found a beautiful scarf I’d been eyeing up waiting for me with a little discount. I have finally found my way to the Flannels website and naturally have my eye on this scarf. It may seem strange for a blogger to say that they don’t do much online shopping, but when it comes to clothes I prefer to see them in person. My old habits are having to change and with that I hope to adapt my style. I doubt ill be leaving bows and skater dresses behind but it would be nice to look a little over the age of 12 once in a while. Maybe I will save for an Alice by Temperley dress or just stick to good old Theory and their beautiful shirts and flattering dresses. I’m not sure, but hopefully I will find a way out of this strange rut.
Get the latest Gucci new season collection with Flannels
Whoops, I fell in love with another pair of pumps although I should be focusing on heels.