Sunday – Links to share – #3


I hope you’ve all had a good weekend. I was in London on Saturday catching up with some friends and then spent most of today working on the blog and bumbling around the house. Here is a bunch of links that I’ve collected from the week – I hope you find something of interest:

The truth about brainstorming meetings

Cosmo magazine are at it again – “It’s ok to change your man” – Sigh, what utter rubbish.

A bunch of films to check out on Netflix

One of my all time favourite bloggers – Niotillfem

Books on reading and writing – I’m going to pick up a few of these once I’ve made my way through the books by my bed

Things your introverted friends want you to know

Toys and games from the ’90s.

Coca-Cola listened when uses were upset at the lack of common names on bottles. They came up with this nifty idea.
