3 Things I Learnt From #GIRLBOSS

If you’re in a slump then this book will get you right out of it.

The day the book launched I became caught up in the Twitter hype. At the time, I knew very little about Sophia Amoruso but a quick Google and a few articles later I was looking for the book. I purchased it via iBooks because it wasn’t available anywhere else in the UK. I’m a huge fan of business, successful people and motivation so I knew I had to hit download. If you’re not up for reading about a journey to success then this wont be the book for you.

Two days later and I was sad to be landing on the final page (it’s a very easy and quick read). This book gave me the kick of motivation and nod of confirmation that I could achieve anything I wanted. It’s true, if you really want something then get up and go for it.

I’ll admit that when I first saw the title, #GIRLBOSS I thought was a little bit cheesy. After a few chapters I realised that even if there was a hint of cheese the title of this book worked. It fitted very well Sophia Amoruso’s journey and it caused a storm of interest on social media.

A few tips from the book and my thoughts:

1 – Be ready to work hard to achieve what you want – I mean it, nothing worth having is easy.

2 – Don’t take yourself too seriously – I’ve worked with so many egos in the last few years. Be a badass and not a jackass.

3 – Get shit done – This is something I’ve always personally said (I’ve wanted to use ‘We Get Shit Done’ for many of my ventures). People spend a lot of time complaining they don’t like their job, their partner or the way they eat. Change it. At least plan out how to change your situation and start taking the steps.

You won’t get lots of business tips and processes in this book. However, that’s not its point, or at least I don’t think it is. The book is there to show you that we all have it in us to create something special. It doesn’t matter what journey you take, you will get to where you want to be in the end. Yes, you might have to work through some shitty jobs to pay the bills, you may have to work at companies where you learn nothing but how not to do the job but that all adds up.

It doesn’t matter what your goals are, you can achieve them if you really want to.

I’d love to know your thoughts on #GIRLBOSS