At the start of November I popped into London with my mum to visit the Stokke shop in Westfield. It was a success. Getting from Kings Cross to White City was really easy and because it was raining so heavily we didn’t feel as though we’d missed out on seeing our favourite spots in London.

The aim of the trip was to find out everything we could about the full range of Stokke products – cots, prams, high chairs, the lot! I’m a big fan of the brand but had never seen any of their products IRL.
I’m pleased to say that the staff were super helpful and really talked us through their full range of stock. We left with a wealth of new, baby related knowledge and headed to Wahaca to discuss.

Wahaca was an early birthday treat for my mum, she’d never been before. As always, the food was delicious and although it was busy we were able to catch up on all things baby related. At that point I still had just over 3 months to go and suddenly we’re down to 7 weeks and 2 days.
Anyway, the real point of today’s post was to share the video of the fantastic Taiko drummers.

They were outside the newly opened Ichiba – Europe’s largest Japanese food hall! It’s well worth a visit. They have so many Japanese products, confectionery, sake, fresh sushi, street food, bakery, gifts and much more. I stocked up on some bakery bits to take home and even found the red bean and chestnut block that I’d tried years ago when Pip returned from Japan.

The first time I saw Taiko drumming was at the Kaetsu in Cambridge. I was blown away by it and looked into taking classes myself. Unfortunately there aren’t any here in Sheffield but it’s something I’ll do when we move in the next couple of years.

The drummers outside of Ichiba were amazing. You really have to see them perform in real life to get the full experience. Hopefully my video will give you a little taster of what Taiko drumming is like.