This post is a collaboration. It came along at the perfect time as we need to compare gas and electric suppliers and make a switch this month.
Whether you live on your own, with your partner, or as a family, no one wants a nasty surprise in the form of a high energy bill at the end of the month. Nowadays, more and more homeowners are looking for ways to be more eco-friendly. If you’re serious about helping the environment, here are 5 simple eco-friendly strategies that you can take on board which can save on your energy bills.

Find the Cheapest Supplier
No matter how long you’ve been in your property, switching to a new provider can save you tons of money. Even if you feel a sense of loyalty towards a certain supplier, there’s no harm in checking out sites like to compare gas and electric providers. With more than 250,000 people switching their gas and electricity provider each month, why not see if they can help you find the best deal on the market? You can even compare gas and electric providers by their use of renewable energy.
Turn Off Standby Appliances
Before you head to bed, make sure that you turn off standby appliances. While you may not think doing so will make much difference, turning appliances off by the plug can save you roughly £30 each year. Getting into the habit of going around your home and switching everything off can help you save money on your bills.
Install a Smart Thermostat
If you live in a big house, it may not be wise to heat your whole property. Installing a smart thermostat can help make your heating more efficient. Smart thermostats are designed to only warm the rooms that you are using. Once you pinpoint how long it takes for your home to heat up, you can set it at a temperature that suits you. Lowering your thermostat by 1 degree can have a considerable impact on how much you shell out on your energy each month.
Be Smarter About Water
For those who are serious about reducing their carbon footprint, being savvy with your water usage is important. There are lots of small but subtle lifestyle changes that you can make which can cut down your bills, such as washing up in a bowl, instead of using a running tap. Purchasing a more efficient showerhead can save you close to £18 per head on energy bills. Reducing how long you spend in the shower can make a big difference too.
Perform an Energy Audit
If you aren’t sure what route to take to save energy, performing an energy audit is advised. Having someone come into your home to identify areas for improvement can give you a good indication of what steps to take. Understanding how much energy you’re consuming and getting guidelines from a professional will help you on your way to becoming more eco-friendly.
Climate change is something that we cannot ignore. The more of us who adopt a greener way of life, the better chance we have of saving the planet. If you’re passionate about helping the environment, using all the tips above can help save you money on your bills and be more eco-conscious.