Yesterday I said I was starting a new goal of taking my big camera out and about with me again.
The idea was very simple, to document my day and share a few of the photos here.
Well, here I am back with the results from day one.

Our day started slow with porridge and coffee and then we made our way to a toddler group. I really like to have a group to take my son to and it’s even better when it’s first thing in the morning. He has a lot of energy and I like to getting running around as soon as possible.
We followed up the group with a play at the park before popping to the doctors for his nasal flu vaccine.

The last few days have been so cold and naturally I started off the day dressed for a cold autumnal morning. It wasn’t long before I realised I was totally overdressed for today’s wonderful weather and soon ditched my coat and wooly hat.

We spent some time picking leaves and exploring the local area before heading home for lunch. I was pleased to see the food shop had arrived while we were out.

Soup never looks particularly exciting does it? LEON have recently launched lots of new products at Sainabury’s and this is their Curried Coconut and Sweet Potato soup. It was full of flavour, lots of chunky bits and super filling. I’ll be buying it again.
I was hopeful and thought I might get to check out the recipes in the new Ocado magazines but it didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow.

My little boy then spent a couple of hours with his grandparents and I had some time in the office. I’d planned to sort out the stacks of magazines I have knocking about but ended up writing a couple of blog posts.
I have quite a few of these Monocle magazines that I’m not quite ready to part with. As you can see, these ones are pretty old. I don’t buy magazines as regularly these days as I just don’t get the chance to read them. I’d like to read through some of these again for a little inspiration and motivation.
If you have any thoughts on how to store and display magazines let me know.

A happy little heart from Silvery Moon Ceramics.

My mum gave me this beautiful photo of my late grandmother and all I can say right now is that I really miss her. I’ve been finding it particularly difficult recently and I’ll probably write about it soon…but not right now.

We’re persimmon fiends in this house and really indulging in them now they’re finally back in season. X has been asking for persimmons since last year so we’re buying them whenever we see them. LOVE THEM!

These are a few new purchases that arrived in my food shop. I plan to try making some new dishes over the next couple of weeks. I can already confirm that the pickled cucumbers are fantastic.
Right, I’m delighted that I’ve managed to shoot photos on my camera throughout the day, upload them to my laptop and share them with you. The only thing I didn’t do is edit the photos but I’m fine with that. This whole process has made me so happy and I’m filled with fresh ideas for tomorrow.
I’m going to go and watch Abroad in Japan now.